• Der Wolf (map)
  • 72 North Fair Oaks Avenue
  • Pasadena, CA, 91103
  • United States

We know you've got an awfully long wait until The Rocky Horror Picture Float, so in the meantime we're revisiting our friends at Der Wolf for another Pasadena fandango.

The streets of Pasadena aren't quite ready for another full-on invasion, so we're taking over Der Wolf's courtyard for a night of silent disco! Come on through for two channels of classic What The Float jams and general dancing and debauchery, Friday September 28th 9pm until midnight.

Advance registration guarantees your headset will be waiting for you at least until 10:00pm. Admission is $5 ahead of time or at the door, and $10 after 10:00pm.

Get Tickets!


"What is silent disco?"


So glad you asked, fictitious reader! Silent disco technology allows us to throw dance parties places we normally wouldn't be able to make that kind of noise or couldn't bring a full sound system into. When you arrive, you'll exchange your ID for a pair of glowing headphones or a receiver into which you can plug your own headphones, which can switch among up to three channels, allowing up to three DJs to complete for your attention, letting you move seamlessly from stream to stream. The headphones will immediately immerse you in the world of the music, but you control the volume, and when you take them off you're immediately returned to reality. So the music's never too loud or soft, and there's never any need to shout yourself hoarse.