• Rocket Bar (map)
  • 714 7th Street Northwest
  • Washington, DC, 20001
  • United States

It's time to reclaim this city for joy. On Saturday, August 21st, the District will Float. Look alive DC, it’s Floating Dance Party time.

What's a “floating dance party”, you ask? It's kind of like a dance club, except without walls, borders, or limits. It's mind-expanding, heart-pumping, booty-shaking glory. It's all the best parts of dancing on your own or being part of a giant rave, with none of the downsides of either. It's FLOAT.

We'll meet at Rocket Bar (714 7th St. NW), starting at 8:00pm, no later than 8:30pm, for drinks and check-in, but from there we’ll explore the night and the city as the music inspires us, dancing through streets, plazas, parks, and more. The music - mixed by mad Float scientists, Glen North and Jenny Leon - will be piped directly into your brains via our GLOWING HEADPHONES. All you have to do is put them on, and the music takes care of the rest.

To everyone else, we'll seem completely silent. All the world will become an endless surreal dancefloor, the mild-mannered will become fearless booty-shaking superstars, and the night will be ours. You will experience the city streets in entirely new ways. The power of the FLOAT will swell within you, and you’ll give yourself entirely to the dance in a way you never dreamed was possible.

Buy Tickets!

What is Float: What The Float is a one-of-a-kind immersive adventure and a naturally socially distant dance party. Explore Philadelphia in a synchronous groove odyssey with the music pulsed directly into your brain but silent to any observers. Simultaneously the city’s most private dance party and its most public spectacle, we'll lead you not just on a journey through the city's wide open spaces and hidden nooks, but also through the inner reaches of your own freshly liberated soul. Dance where you've never dreamed of dancing before. Reclaim your home.

How to Float: Dress to be true to you. Wear comfortable shoes in which you can dance and run and climb and jump. We'll equip you with a pair glowing headsets, and the carefully curated music will lead you on a unique adventure through the parks and plazas of the District. Pack lightly, we'll be on the move. Once we’re gathered at Rocket Bar, we'll all dance away together into the night, with another stop for drinks and bathrooms along the way. Please join us promptly at 8:00pm if you do not want to be left behind. More info available at WhatTheFloat.com.

The small print:

This is an age 21+ only event. All tickets are FULLY REFUNDABLE, no questions asked, with advance notice; if you are in any way concerned about your well-being, we would very much prefer you stayed home. Just let us know so we let someone else in; these events are extremely small and they will sell out. By purchasing a ticket you are affirming this liability waiver. Without proof of full vaccination, masks will be required.