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Threes Brewing (map)

Our adventures continues in May with FLOAT YRSELF GREEN, our first ever visit to Greenpoint! We’ve got Shannon Cabbell, Ben Greiner, and Remeice - three of our absolute favorite DJs - set to rearrange your brain chemistry each night. We know going all the way to Brooklyn two months in a row is a big ask, so luckily it’s an absolutely breathtaking route through some never-before-Floated spectacles, and some long forgotten favorite nooks. We’ll be Floating on May 18th, 19th, 24th 25th, and 26th, led by Shannon who designed the route on early waves and Ben on second waves. April was just the warm-up.

If you’d like to plan ahead for the next six months, you can buy a season pass here. You’ll lock in the lowest possible price and guarantee a ticket for each of this year’s all new Floating Dance Parties. We’ll also be offering group package deals again: buy ten or more tickets to one event, and you’ll also get each ticket at the lowest possible price. To buy group tickets to an announced or future event, fill out our contact form or email us directly at Otherwise, general sales for this month begin at 5:00pm on Friday, May 3rd!

Not sure what you’re getting yourself into? Let us explain a little.

Each night, you’ll be able to take advantage of Floatcheck, our mobile coat and bag check service throughout the night. Expect the event to last about three hours, with two intermissions, one of which is at a cash only bar. Check-in only runs thirty minutes, so do not delay! If you are late you may be left behind and might not be able to catch up. 

Saturday 5/18, 8:00pm
Sunday 5/19, 7:00pm
Sunday 5/19, 8:00pm
Friday 5/24, 8:00pm
Saturday 5/25, 8:00pm
Saturday 5/25, 9:00pm
Sunday 5/26, 7:00pm

The fine print: COVID (still, STILL) isn't over. Please get vaccinated, get boosted, and get tested regularly, for your own sake. All tickets are FULLY REFUNDABLE, no questions asked, with advance notice; if you are in any way concerned about your well-being, we would very much prefer you stayed home. Just let us know so we let someone else in; these events are small and they will sell out. This is an age 21+ only event.