It's cold in New York! We're already seeing forecasts of snow, and though we'd cheerfully go out and dance naked in any weather, we know y'all don't need pneumonia, so we're shuttering until Spring.


That doesn't mean you won't be hearing from us. We've got West Coast dance party announcements to make in the not-to-distant future, we've got Halloween floatographs to show you, and we've got tons of other exciting stuff to send your way. If you've been ogling our extremely limited supply of What The Float merch, we'll finally be able to hook you up soon via still-to-be-launched Kickstarter. We're picking out perks for our benefactors, and soon we'll be able to announce the very exciting upgrades you'll be able to help us make. For now, dress warmly and dance indoors. We'll see you very soon my pretties

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