• Pier i Café (map)
  • 500 West 70th Street
  • New York, NY, 10023
  • United States

Our season begins for real, at last! This month it's All Aboard The Float Express, and we're taking you away to a dream world of magic. And dancing. Kaleb Wells has crafted an absolutely glorious night for you, with music provided by Kevin Riddagh, Dylan Troost, and Kaleb. We're making stops at some of our favorite spots in Manhattan, and some hidden gems that have somehow never been Floated before. This is the perfect start to a long, long summer of dancing, and you do not want to miss this one. So c'mon and ride the train; I know you can.

We'll be rendezvousing at Pier i Cafe in Riverside Park at 8:00pm, so leave plenty of time to get down to the waterfront! You’ll be able to take advantage of Floatcheck, our mobile coat and bag check service throughout the night. Expect the event to last about three hours, plus a short afterparty. No-questions-asked refunds will be available up until your start time. Expect the event to last about three hours, with no afterparty this time. Check-in is only thirty minutes, so do not delay! If you are late you may be left behind and might not be able to catch up. All waves are led by Kaleb Wells, except the 9:00pm waves led Kevin Riddagh. Tickets start at $30 on Saturdays and $20 on Fridays on Sundays.

If you cannot afford a ticket right now, do not hesitate to reach out, so we can find a way for you to Float. If you've got money to spare though, NYAAF is a very good place to donate right now.

Friday 5/27, 8:00pm
Saturday 5/28, 8:00pm
Sunday 5/29, 7:00pm

The fine print:

COVID (still) isn't over. Please get vaccinated, get boosted, and get tested regularly, for your own sake. We expect all participants to be fully vaccinated with proof, or to remain masked while with the group. As long as cases stay under control, we hope to proceed with expanded group sizes and fewer restrictions.

This is an age 18+ only event. All tickets are FULLY REFUNDABLE, no questions asked, with advance notice; if you are in any way concerned about your well-being, we would very much prefer you stayed home. Just let us know so we let someone else in; these events are small and they will sell out.